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campus Engagement Initiative

past workshops

high school resources

Past Workshops
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USCCA logo - gold, clear bgd, with text

Approaches to Teaching Religious Studies to Chinese International High School Students

This workshop is aimed at high school theology/religious studies teachers who would like to hear about different approaches to making their courses more engaging and accessible to students from China. The speakers will address two different teaching approaches and their reception by the students.

Fr. Jonathan Mitchican

In this presentation, Fr. Jonathan Mitchican will give an overview of the curriculum that he has developed and taught specifically for his students from China.

Dr. Gary Meegan


In this presentation, Dr. Gary Meegan will discuss his experience of teaching high school seniors, and the reception by students from China of theology classes both generally, and in their senior year in particular.

Campus Ministry with Chinese International High School Students

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USCCA logo - gold, clear bgd, with text

In this workshop our panelists discussed high school ministry to students from China through liturgies, retreats, and particular ministry to boarding students. From different perspectives, the speakers addressed their means of ministering to the students, and the reception of this ministry by students.

high school campus ministry:
Juli James


In this presentation, Juli James, Director of Residential/Community Life and Services Initiatives at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, speaks about her school’s ministry to students from China, and in particular about her work with those students boarding at the school.

high school campus ministry: Anne Faucett


In this presentation, Anne Faucett, Director of Admission at Maur Hill-Mount Academy, discusses her school’s ministry to students from China, and in particular the experiences of students from China this past year.

high school campus ministry: Patrick Spedale


In this presentation, Patrick Spedale, Director of Campus Ministry at St. Pius X High School, discusses his experience as director of campus ministry and his school’s ways of reaching out to students from China.

high school campus ministry: Q&A Session


During this Q&A session, our panelists offered insight and suggestions to questions presented by members of the webinar audience.

Experience of a Chinese International Student


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series, specifically from the workshop “Background and Concerns of High School Students from China”. 


In this presentation, Andrew Lin, graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, and an alumnus of a US Catholic High School, shares his personal experience as a Chinese international student from a non-religious person’s perspective.

Perceptions of China, America and Christianity


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series, specifically from the workshop “Background and Concerns of High School Students from China”. 


In this presentation, Luke Liu discusses Chinese youth and their perceptions of China, America, and Christianity, and the challenges/needs to teach them.

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Download the Resources Flyer


The Resources Flyer provides resources and links to:


  • statistics about Chinese Students in the U.S.

  • research and books about Chinese students in the US

  • White Paper Report on Chinese Students Overseas Study


Please click on the link below.

background and concerns of high school

students coming from china

Concerns of Young People in Contemporary China


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series “Background and Concerns of High School Students from China”. 


In this presentation, Dr. Chiaretto Yan, author and Youth Minister in China, shares on the concerns of young people in contemporary China.

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USCCA logo - gold, clear bgd, with text

In the Fall of 2020 the USCCA's Campus Engagement Initiative hosted a workshop titled  "Background and Concerns of High School Students Coming from China".  The topics discussed included: the common attitudes and concerns among middle school students, how to best address the concerns of Chinese students and their parents dealing with the challenges we face now, and how schools can best help Chinese students to flourish.  

Teaching and Working with Chinese International Students


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series, specifically from the workshop “Meeting Recruiting Challenges in China Today: Catholic High Schools”. 


In this presentation, Gary Meegan, Theology Department Chair at Junipero Serra High School, shares his personal experience teaching and working with Chinese international students.

Recruitment Agency Perspective on the Chinese International Student


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series, specifically from the workshop “Meeting Recruiting Challenges in China Today: Catholic High Schools”. 


In this presentation, Eddie Wu, partner of One Step Ahead, shares his expertise as the partner of a recruitment agency based in China.

Meeting Recruiting Challenges in China Today:

Catholic High Schools

Working with Chinese International Students in a U.S. Catholic High School


This video is an excerpt of the USCCA Campus Engagement Initiative’s Fall 2020 workshop series, specifically from the workshop “Meeting Recruiting Challenges in China Today: Catholic High Schools”. 


In this presentation, Susie Kramer, director of the international student program at St. John XXIII College Preparatory, shares her experience working with Chinese international students and their families in a US Catholic high school setting. 

How Can we assist you with your recruiting needs?


Please fill out this post-workshop survey to let us know how we can best support your school and the Chinese international students that you host. 

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USCCA logo - gold, clear bgd, with text

In the Fall of 2020 the USCCA's Campus Engagement Initiative hosted a workshop titled  "Meeting Recruiting Challenges in China Today: Catholic High Schools".  The topics discussed included: why Chinese parents trust Catholic high schools to educate their sons and daughters, how schools can get it messaging out effectively, how high schools must update its outreach with the new challenges we now face. 

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Download the Resources Flyer


The Resources Flyer provides resources and links to:


  • statistics about Chinese Students in the U.S.

  • research and books about Chinese students in the US

  • White Paper Report on Chinese Students Overseas Study


Please click on the link below.

The US-China Catholic Association was founded in 1989 by concerned U.S. bishops, Maryknoll, the Jesuits, and representatives of other religious orders in order to promote mutual support and fraternal ties between the Church in China and the U.S. Church.

Mailing address


US-China Catholic Association

c/o Mr. John Dewan,

USCCA Treasurer 

1501 N. Oakley Blvd, #214

Chicago, IL 60622



Physical address


US-China Catholic Association

1646 Addison Street

Berkeley, CA 94703


  • Facebook
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The USCCA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. The success of our work depends upon the generosity of people like you.


If you have enjoyed your visit to the USCCA website and learning about our mission, donate $35 to honor the 35th anniversary of the USCCA.



© 2023 US-China Catholic Association

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