Scholarly Panels
Contributions from academics drawing on the method and resources of their respective disciplines.
Panels / topics proposed to date:
Sino-Vatican Relations in Historical Perspective
Sociological Perspectives on Christianity
in Contemporary China -
The Sinicisation of Religion in China Today
Environmental Issues and the Faith Communities of China
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for panels and topics
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
submission of brief abstracts
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Panel organizers (only) will have conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Presentations and
Discussion forums and practical advice from people involved in the life of the Church in China and in the Chinese diaspora.
Practical workshops and presentations requested to date:
Faith and the Current Generation
Social Services: Making a Contribution in China Society
The American University Context
Relations among Christians and China
Paths to Discipleship
Religion in the City
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for workshops or presentations
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Presenters will have their conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
The Board and Officers of the China Association very much appreciate the willingness of various keynote speakers to share their views and expertise with us.
At the same time, we make clear that the views are not our own. In fact, we deliberately invite people with a range of views to speak, so long as they speak in good faith and in a spirit of mutual respect.
Saturday Evening Conference Mass: August 3, 2024
Cardinal Blase Cupich
We are very pleased to share that Cardinal Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archdiocese of Chicago, will be the presider at the liturgy on Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 5:00 pm at St. Vincent de Paul Parish - Chicago.
Sunday Morning Video Message: August 4, 2024
Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.
Bishop of Hong Kong
Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau-yan, SJ is the Cardinal of Hong Kong (China). He joined the Society of Jesus in 1984, and was ordained priest in 1994 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception by John Baptist Wu, Bishop of Hong Kong. Cardinal Chow holds a Master's in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, a Master's in Organizational Development from Loyola University of Chicago, and an Ed.D. in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University. He was proclaimed a Cardinal by Pope Francis on September 30, 2023.