Scholarly Panels
Contributions from academics drawing on the method and resources of their respective disciplines.
Panels / topics proposed to date:
Sino-Vatican Relations in Historical Perspective
Sociological Perspectives on Christianity
in Contemporary China -
The Sinicisation of Religion in China Today
Environmental Issues and the Faith Communities of China
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for panels and topics
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
submission of brief abstracts
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Panel organizers (only) will have conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Presentations and
Discussion forums and practical advice from people involved in the life of the Church in China and in the Chinese diaspora.
Practical workshops and presentations requested to date:
Faith and the Current Generation
Social Services: Making a Contribution in China Society
The American University Context
Relations among Christians and China
Paths to Discipleship
Religion in the City
Click this button for a form to enter:
suggestions for workshops or presentations
suggestions concerning speakers (including yourself)
other suggestions or feedback
Note: Presenters will have their conference registration fees waived in appreciation for their service to the gathering.
Sponsorship Opportunities
USCCA 29th International Conference
Celebrating Our 35th Anniversary
Conference Dates: August 2-4, 2024
Venue: DePaul University, Lincoln Park Campus, Chicago, Illinois
Conference Theme: “Our Hope is in Christ.”
Our Mission
Inspired by the Gospel, the mission of the US-China Catholic Association is to build bridges of friendship and dialogue between people of China and the United States by offering educational, service, and cultural programs in support of the Church and the larger society.
Our Vision
The vision of the US-China Catholic Association is to build friendship and cooperation between Catholics in China and in the United States for the flourishing of society.
Overview of Sponsorships
Conference registration never covers the full cost of a conference. There are always attendees whose participation is valuable but who cannot cover full cost. As part of our commitment to the Chinese and American Friendship Ministry, we are especially committed to supporting college and university students who would like to attend the conference. And this year, we expect that dining and facility expenses will be more than we had anticipated.
With that in mind, we are seeking conference sponsors who can help cover one or other aspect of the conference. We do not have to cover every item in this list, but if we get sponsors to cover approximately $35,000 to $50,000, we are assured of breaking even.
For more information, please email
Special Conference Sponsors (Unrestricted Gifts for Greatest Needs)
Diamond Sponsor
Sapphire Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Sponsor a Keynote Speaker
Four keynote speakers have been confirmed:
Friday evening opening keynote speaker, Dr. Naomi Thurston from Hong Kong
Saturday morning keynote speaker, Fr. Augustine Tsang from Taiwan
Sunday morning keynote speaker, Bishop Paul Junmin Pei from Liaoning, China
Sunday afternoon closing keynote speaker, Dr. Anthony E. Clark from the United States
Suggested sponsorship: $1,500 to $2,500 per keynote speaker.
Total for other expenses can range from $750 to $1000 including audio/visual and recording.
Sponsor Panelists
Twelve panels have been confirmed:
Nine panels on Saturday
Three panels on Sunday
Each panel usually has three speakers
Suggested sponsorship: $1,250 per panel
Sponsor Visitors from the Church in China
$750 for registration, meals, room, and travel if not in Chicago
$250 for registration and meals if in Chicago
More than ten opportunities remain available.
Sponsor a Director of Campus Ministry (Friendship Ministry)
$750 for registration, meals, room, and travel if not in Chicago
$250 for registration and meals if in Chicago
More than ten opportunities remain available.
Sponsor a University Student or Young Professional (Friendship Ministry)
$500 for registration, meals, room, and travel if not in Chicago
$150 for registration and meals if in Chicago
More than ten opportunities remain available.​
Sponsor the Friday Evening Keynote Reception
Sponsor Breakfast
$1,000 for Saturday morning
$1,000 for Sunday morning
Sponsor Morning and Afternoon Tea Service
$1,000 for Saturday Morning
$1,000 for Saturday Afternoon
​$500 for Sunday Morning
Sponsor the August 3 Liturgical Celebration
​Suggested sponsorship: $2,500
Sponsor the Award Banquet
Sponsor a Table of Ten at theSaturday Evening Ricci Award Banquet
Post-Conference Sponsorships
Sponsor Post-Conference Pastoral Visits
Join fellow participants in tour of several of Chicago’s iconic churches
Suggested donation: $500 to underwrite transportation costs
Individuals, nonprofits, and corporate sponsors will be acknowledged throughout the Conference, on the USCCA website, and in the Conference program.
Partial sponsorships are most welcome.
For more information, email