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News from the USCCA and the church in China

"Always a message of hope."

Preliminary Conference Responses

By Tom McGuire, Emeritus Board Member

To all participants in the USCCA 29th International Conference, 2-4 August 2024, The Theme: Our Hope is in Christ, I want to thank you for creating an event of encounter.

I observed people listening to one another in conversation and open to engagement with passion, with the mission of building bridges of friendship and dialogue among the people of China and the U.S. The celebration of the Eucharist on Saturday brought communion among participants, reflecting our friendship with Christ, who is our Hope. 

Photo credit: Zel Salazar

“…the conference illustrated the importance of direct dialogue between Chinese and American Catholics. It was a unique experience of fraternal communion and friendly dialogue across borders.”

His sentiment was confirmed in what people said was a moving experience of reverently coming together in Christ. 

I have received many emails from Conference participants. Their reflections are preliminary in terms of their recounting of the entirety of the spirit and Spirit of our encounter, and yet, they offer a glimpse into our three days together. As we review and receive the entire set of participation evaluations and their accompanying reflections and meditations, we will be able to listen to the voices of all participants, giving a more complete summary of the Conference outcomes -- and we offer these to you.

However, with that in mind, the following reflections are shared --anonymously -- as a representative voice of our encounter together.

“The Spirit was present throughout as we reflected on the new wine before us…”

“There were wonderful insights into the dedication of the Catholics supporting Sino-Western friendship, the integrity and ecumenicity of the USCCA.”

“It was an unforgettable experience to meet and talk with you at the USCCA Conference in Chicago.” 

“The dialogue and friendship of participants in the Hope of Christ will contribute to a growing USCCA mission.”

“I could not help but feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in [the USCCA] work and commitments. You are a manifestation of hope.”

“I would like to be more aware of how my experience can be helpful to the new generation of students as well as where the limitation of my own experience may lie.”

“It inspired my intent to learn more about the church in China, especially the social service opportunities the brave Catholics have taken on. I was especially struck when one of the presenters said that to be a Catholic in China is difficult, but to be a Catholic in the US is easy, maybe too easy. I was so encouraged by what Christians in China are doing, and it inspired me to do more myself.” 

I want to add to the participant comments the words of Pope Francis in an interview with Father Pedro Chia, S.J., on the Feast of China's Shrine of Our Lady of Sheshan, Help of Christians.

Photo credit: Zel Salazar

When asked what message he wanted to send Chinese Catholics, Pope Francis responded,

"Always a message of hope. But it seems tautological to send a message of hope to a people who are masters of waiting. The Chinese are masters of patience, masters of waiting. …You have the virus of hope. It's a very beautiful thing."

In the interview, Pope Francis said he dreams of visiting China one day and praying at the Shrine of Our Lady of Sheshan.

Building bridges of friendship and dialogue can provide the bridge to the day Pope Francis or his successor will be welcomed as a friend in China. 



Inspired by the Gospel, the mission of the US-China Catholic Association is to build bridges of friendship and dialogue between the people of China and the United States by offering educational, service, and cultural programs in support of the Church and the larger society.


The US-China Catholic Association was founded in 1989 by concerned U.S. bishops Maryknoll, the Jesuits, and representatives of other religious orders to promote mutual support and fraternal ties between the Church in China and the U.S. Church.


The USCCA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. The success of our work depends upon the generosity of people like you.

If you have enjoyed visiting the USCCA website and want to learn more about our mission, please contact or consider donating $35 to honor the 35th anniversary of the USCCA. 


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